maanantai 28. elokuuta 2023

Juoksu, AI ja kiipeilytreenit

 Tämä kalliokausi mennyt nyt oikeastaan juoksun merkeissä. Menin talvella ilmoittautumaan toukokuun lopussa olevaan Karhunkierros 83km kisaan ja niinhän se sitten meni juostessa koko kevät. Itse juoksu meni yllättävän hyvin. Tai no tavoitteena oli päästä läpi ja sehän onnistui. Aika ei nyt mikään super 16h 55min. Mutta ulkoiltua tuli ja paikat pysyi ehjänä. Ehkä sitten joskus uudestaan jollekin pitkälle matkalle. 

Loppu lumeton kausi oli tarkoitus panostaa kiipeilyyn sillä silmällä, että jos vaikka olisi mahdollista kiivetä Punaisen lokakuun metsästys reitti syyskaudella. No nyt ollaan jo syyskautta jonkun verran menty ja ulos on muutaman kerran päässyt kiipeämään. Kerran kävin yläköydellä reittiä sooloilemassa ja muuvit nyt vielä meni kaikki. Linkittäminen voi tosin olla pitkässä kuusessa, mutta ehkä sitä kannattaa kokeilla.

Siitäpä se ajatus sitten lähti ja testataan nyt sitten tätä AIn ihmeellistä maailmaa ja kysytään chatGPT miten pitäis reenailla. Tällainen ohjeistus tuli. No aika oikean suuntaistahan tuo taitaa olla.

Eli kymysys:

How to train power endurance for climbing?


Training power endurance for climbing is crucial for maintaining strength and performance during sustained, strenuous climbing routes. Here are some effective strategies to train power endurance for climbing:

1. **Climbing Frequency:** Climbing more frequently is essential to build climbing-specific endurance. Try to climb at least 3-4 times a week.

2. **Interval Training:** Incorporate interval training into your climbing sessions. This involves alternating between high-intensity climbing and rest periods. For example, climb at your limit for 3-5 minutes, then rest for 1-2 minutes, and repeat. This mimics the demands of sustained climbing.

3. **Circuit Training:** Set up a circuit of climbing routes/problems with varying difficulty levels in the climbing gym. Climb continuously for a set amount of time or until failure, then rest briefly and repeat. This helps build both strength and endurance.

4. **Limit Bouldering:** Limit bouldering involves climbing problems that are at or slightly above your maximum ability level. This helps develop strength and power endurance simultaneously. Aim for longer problems that take around 10-15 moves to complete.

5. **Pyramid Training:** Pyramid training involves gradually increasing and then decreasing the difficulty or intensity of your climbs during a session. For example, start with easy climbs, then move to moderate climbs, and finish with difficult climbs. This trains you to perform well under fatigue.

6. **Campus Board Workouts:** The campus board is a training tool with a series of holds at different intervals. Campus board workouts can help improve your power endurance. Start with easy rungs and perform dynamic movements up the board, gradually working your way up to harder holds and longer intervals.

7. **Strength Training:** Maintain a strength training routine to complement your climbing workouts. Focus on compound exercises like deadlifts, pull-ups, and squats to improve overall strength, which can contribute to power endurance.

8. **Core and Finger Strength:** A strong core and finger strength are essential for power endurance. Incorporate exercises like hanging leg raises and fingerboard training into your routine.

9. **Aerobic Conditioning:** Don't forget about general aerobic conditioning. Activities like running, cycling, or swimming can improve your overall cardiovascular fitness, which can translate to better endurance on the wall.

10. **Rest and Recovery:** Ensure you get adequate rest between climbing sessions to allow your muscles to recover and adapt. Overtraining can lead to injuries and hinder progress.

11. **Nutrition and Hydration:** Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial for maintaining energy levels during training sessions. Consume a balanced diet and stay well-hydrated.

12. **Goal Setting:** Set specific climbing goals to track your progress and stay motivated. Whether it's completing a specific route or climbing for a certain duration, having goals will help you stay on track.

13. **Listen to Your Body:** Pay attention to your body and adjust your training intensity and volume accordingly. Pushing too hard can lead to injuries, so it's important to find the right balance between pushing your limits and avoiding overuse injuries.

Remember that progress in climbing takes time, so be patient and consistent with your training. Additionally, consider working with a climbing coach or trainer who can create a personalized training plan tailored to your specific goals and needs.